Transition into
Secondary School

Checklist for Parents: The Process

Before Grade 9

Grade 8 Year

Research secondary school programs/options in your area

If the schools can accommodate it, visit preferred programs with your young person, discuss and compare

Apply to attend the program/school you have chosen

Prepare for and participate in IPRC

With your young person, discuss transition to Grade 9 and the new learning model


With student, practice different “school” skills (i.e., new transportation routines, changing for Phys Ed, using a locker and lock)

Do regular “drive-bys” of the secondary school to discuss the transition and allay any concerns

Early Fall of Grade 9

Assemble ideas you may have for IEP

Find mutually convenient time to discuss IEP with Spec Ed team/teacher and/or subject area teachers

With school team, discuss potential issues early on in school year, to head off larger difficulties

Through the Secondary School Years

As practicable, maintain communication with teachers and other professionals

Keep notes on new learning by student, “what’s working” at home

Read every report card

Attend parent/teacher evenings, school events where possible

Consult periodically on adjustments to the IEP (IEP is a “living document” which should be reimagined and updated as new learning / difficulties present themselves)

Keep the teaching team up to date on student’s involvement in clubs, sports, camps, travel, religious and cultural traditions and other learning opportunities

Support child with homework and project completion, skills practice